Kaywoodie Cigarette Holder #62123-4530 *SOLD 8/28/23*


Kaywoodie Cigarette Holder #62123-4530 *SOLD 8/28/23*


You gotta love this little fellow. For one, it says, besides “Kaywoodie,” “imported briar,” as though that matters. You’ll be tasting the cigarette tobacco and maybe the paper, but hardly will there be any interaction between the tobacco and the wood, as there is in a pipe. But, it’s imported briar, nonetheless. Secondly, it has the beloved, or much denigrated, Kaywoodie metal stinger, in this case working also as the tenon. It’s a two hole stinger if you’re interested. I think it is unused; there are no tooth marks on the vulcanite stem but it may have been used once. If this were a pipe, I would not say the draw is open, but it seems perfectly appropriate for a cigarette.
2.7” long. Weight: 1/8 oz., 5 grams.

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